Naval Health Clinic Charleston (NHCC) is excited to announce we have re-opened enrollment for TRICARE Prime Active duty Family Members, Retirees, and Retiree Family Members. If you currently have TRICARE Prime and are empaneled with a civilian Primary Care Manager (PCM) but would like to enroll at NHCC, please contact Humana at (800)-444-5445.

Getting Care

Visitor Guidelines

To protect the health of our patients and staff, Naval Health Clinic Charleston has implemented the following COVID-19 guidelines:

  •  All patients and visitors entering the facility will be screened for illness prior to entry.
  • Face masks will be required for all patients, staff, and visitors with the exception of children less than 2 years old or patients with a medical history that makes it difficult to breath when wearing a face mask.
  • You must have an appointment or be conducting official business when entering the clinic.
  • Visitors will NOT be allowed.  The only exception is for:
    • Patients of a minor may have one parent, guardian, or caregiver to accompany.
    • Elderly patients or those with a disability requiring assistance may have one caregiver to accompany.

If unable to follow these guidelines, we respectfully request that you reschedule your appointment by calling the Central Appointment Line at (843) 794-6221.

Contact Us


Information Desk
(843) 794-6100

Central Appointments
(843) 794-6221

Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS