Naval Health Clinic Charleston (NHCC) is excited to announce we have re-opened enrollment for TRICARE Prime Active duty Family Members, Retirees, and Retiree Family Members. If you currently have TRICARE Prime and are empaneled with a civilian Primary Care Manager (PCM) but would like to enroll at NHCC, please contact Humana at (800)-444-5445.

About Us

Welcome to Naval Health Clinic Charleston

About Us


Maintain Maritime Superiority by providing the highest quality of healthcare, optimizing medical readiness, and promoting the health and performance of those who protect the nation.


The leading military health organization through modernized, patient-centered care.

Lines of Effort

  • People
  • Quality
  • Optimization
  • Experience


Naval Health Clinic Charleston is a command with a rich history and tradition. Commissioned on July 31, 1917, the original Naval Hospital Charleston began as an emergency hospital caring for the wounded during World War I. The hospital consisted of 19 temporary wooden buildings with a bed capacity of 250. The following year, 14 additional buildings were constructed, increasing the bed capacity to 1,000 beds.  

Over the next century, the hospital infrastructure changed many times, including consolidating from several buildings to one, and moving from Charleston to North Charleston to its current home in Goose Creek, on the Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station. 
Today, Naval Health Clinic Charleston shares occupancy with the Ralph H. Johnson Veterans Affairs Medical Center’s Goose Creek Community Based Outpatient Clinic. Both organizations share the 188,000 square-foot, John G. Feder Joint Ambulatory Care Clinic, where Department of Defense and Veterans Affairs employees are recognized as setting the gold standard for providing healthcare to service members, family members and veterans.

Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS